Evernorth Lending

We offer below market financing to developers and affordable housing owners to support the development of affordable housing in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. We make short term loans to finance energy investments that pay back through efficiency and optimization of affordable housing operations.

Pre-development and Bridge Loans

Evernorth helps developers and owners of affordable housing to build more housing by providing short term, below-market financing for pre-development expenses and equity bridge loans.

Energy Loans

Evernorth helps affordable housing owners invest in energy efficiency measures that create operating savings and improve the long-term sustainability of their properties.  We offer below-market, subordinate financing with flexible terms for qualifying projects.

To qualify for a loan, housing projects must meet a minimum threshold that 30% of the units are set aside for households with incomes at 50% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI). All of the assisted units must remain affordable to households below 120% of AMI for a minimum of 10 years.

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