What is the Evernorth Loan Fund?

Since Evernorth Loan Fund’s (the Loan Fund) inception in 2020, we have raised capital, designed financing products and developed origination, underwriting, servicing, and portfolio management infrastructure to effectively deploy capital to developers creating affordable housing in northern New England. To date, Evernorth Loan Fund capitalization totals $30 million and capital raising efforts are ongoing.
Offering a Variety of Loan Products
As the Loan Fund team has evolved, we have embraced new opportunities and expanded our reach, establishing ourselves as a dynamic, multi-state collaborator. We offer a variety of loans including predevelopment, acquisition, bridge, permanent, and subordinate, all with a focus on addressing the critical funding gaps in the rental housing delivery system.
For over 35 years, Evernorth has been present as a syndicator, developer, and consultant for affordable housing. We are committed to filling gaps in the affordable housing landscape as we continue to grow the Evernorth Loan Fund to be a resource to our partners.
We are driven by the vision of creating affordable housing and sustainable ecosystems that promote healthier, happier communities.
Our Loan Products

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